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Monday, August 12, 2013

Vacation Food!! - Bar Harbor, Maine

Although I travel pretty often for work, it's rare that I am able to go on an actual vacation.  Due to the recent rearrangement of summer plans I was able to go to Maine with MrFP and his family.  I have never been to Maine but MrFP has been going to Bar Harbor every summer since he was in kindergarten.

From knowing the best lobster pound, to the best place to get a blueberry pie, and even a place we could find our own fresh mussels - I had the best guides possible.

On our first full day the usual lobster pound was closed so we went to another down the street and got the hard shells above.  They were good and all but a few days later we went to the 'good' one and I see now why this is the favorite.

This place was so cool!
The boiler pots were outside with wood fires burning underneath.  Bags of lobster, corn and clams come out with number tags.  You can see our little 55 cooking!

And they are done!

To go with our tasty lobsters we had fresh mussels.  And I mean fresh - we kayaked out to a little rocky seaweed covered shore with a bucket.  At first we didn't find much, but as the tide went out we found a whole bucket full!
My mother in law boiled these till they opened in just water and ginger.  They were excellent, you could really taste the difference between the fresh ones and mussels we had earlier in the week.

Did you know mussels make pearls? I do now - my first one had a whole mouthful of them!

Looking forward to next year!

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